研華UNOP-1000J PCI-104 & Mini-PCIe Expansion Card

研華UNOP-1000J PCI-104 & Mini-PCIe Expansion Card

  • 120 Pin Connector for UNO-4673A/83/ECU-4784 Series
  • Bus Type: PCI-104, Mini-PCIe (reserved) Expansion
  • The UNOP-1000J is a PCI/PCIe type communication card which is compatible with UNO-4673A, UNO-4683 and ECU-4784, can support PCI-104 and Mini-PCIe(Reserved) expansion interfaces. With 2500VDC isolation protection design and single function support, the UNOP-1000J is robust for use in industrial environment, like smart substation.


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