研華BB-DSLP-PCIE-100 Serial Card, PCI Express Low Profile, RS-232 DB9

研華BB-DSLP-PCIE-100 Serial Card, PCI Express Low Profile, RS-232 DB9

  • Supports serial data transfer rates to 230.4 kbps
  • Built-in 16C950 compatible UART
  • 128-byte deep Transmit/Receive FIFOs
  • 15V ESD protection on all signal pins
  • Compliant with PCI Express Base Specification 1.1
  • Model DSLP-PCIE-100, low-profile RS-232 serial PCI Express Card, meets PCI Express Base Specifications V1.1. It can be installed in virtually any available PC system and is compatible with all major operating systems. Users do not need to set jumpers to configure I/O addresses and IRQ locations. The board also supports 5VDC or 12VDC of power from each serial port pins 1, 4, 8 or 9. This can be configured via jumpers on the board. If this power is not required, then normal control signals are available. The default configuration is with the jumpers set to disable the power on these pins.


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