研華PCIE-1841 16/8-ch, 16-bit, 1MS/s/ch Simultaneous Analog Input PCI Express DAQ Card

研華PCIE-1841 16/8-ch, 16-bit, 1MS/s/ch Simultaneous Analog Input PCI Express DAQ Card

  • 16/8-ch simultaneous sampling up to 1 MS/s
  • 18-bit resolution
  • Software selectable low-pass filter
  • Wide input range up to 40 Vpp (±20 V range)
  • Support both voltage and current measurement
  • Multiple selectable trigger modes
  • The PCIE-1841/L features 16/8 simultaneously sampled input channels (1MS/s) with 16-bit resolution and 22.5 kHz or 250 kHz bandwidth.


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