研華ESRP-MVS-AIIS3410 4-CH USB Vision, i5-7500 CPU or 4-CH GigE Vision, i7-7700 CPU vision system with Vision Express

研華ESRP-MVS-AIIS3410 4-CH USB Vision, i5-7500 CPU or 4-CH GigE Vision, i7-7700 CPU vision system with Vision Express

  • Advantech ESRP-MVS-AIIS3410 is a complete machine vision solution, integrates with sensor, computing platform and application software, the solution can be used in auto parts, electronic manufacturing, food beverage and packaging industries for automatic detection, tracking / tracking Trace, presence/absence, guidance and material handling, and quality assurance applications. The machine vision technology becomes the necessary solution to improve production efficiency and yield rate for smart manufacturing.


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