研華ESRP-SCS-UNO1372 Real-time SoftPLC & SoftMotion Cabinet Controller

研華ESRP-SCS-UNO1372 Real-time SoftPLC & SoftMotion Cabinet Controller

  • Open controller with real-time fieldbus control
  • Reduces downtime with powerful visualization management
  • Flexible integration with diverse database connectivity options
  • The provision of IEC-61131-3 languages for cross-platform PLC programming minimizes development time and costs and enables motion control with dual fieldbus EtherCAT and CANOpen for servo drives, servo motors, inverters, and induction motors in various applications.On-site machine operation and systems monitoring with flexible target visualization boosts productivity and overall efficiency, while web-based visualization enables remote operation and diagnostics. Supporting ODBC functionality, the Edge SRP could simplify database connection. Plus, Machines can be directlyconnected to the WISE-PaaS cloud, utilizing dashboard function that provides efficiency equipment management, increasing productivity.


扶风县| 延边| 东丽区| 普定县| 互助| 乌鲁木齐县| 克什克腾旗| 万山特区| 佳木斯市| 赞皇县| 同心县| 瑞昌市| 金乡县| 陈巴尔虎旗| 宜都市| 临邑县| 天长市| 杂多县| 和平区| 墨脱县| 琼中| 新宁县| 廊坊市| 龙井市| 根河市| 县级市| 贵定县| 阿合奇县| 新龙县| 阿拉尔市| 马尔康县| 吴桥县| 洮南市| 新绛县| 迭部县| 和龙市| 赤水市| 北安市| 延川县| 介休市| 红安县|