研華ESRP-AWS-UNO137 Intel? Atom? E3940 Compact DIN-Rail Controller with AWS IoT Greengrass and WISE-EdgeLink

研華ESRP-AWS-UNO137 Intel? Atom? E3940 Compact DIN-Rail Controller with AWS IoT Greengrass and WISE-EdgeLink

  • Extends cloud intelligence and analytics to edge devices
  • Boosts productivity and response times with data insights
  • Offers secure cloud communication and edge intelligence
  • WISE-EdgeLink supports more than 200 PLC device
  • WISE-EdgeLink 5000 tags
  • Support Modbus, IEC-60870-104, OPC-UA, BACNet protocol
  • Amazon AWS IoT Greengrass certified
  • ESRP-AWS-UNO137 is an industrial-grade integrated IoT edge ideal for industrial automation. The brand new modular design includes an base unit and an optional extension kit that supports Advantech’s iDoor technology to integrate additional industrial Fieldbus, I/O, and wireless communication.


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