研華AMAX-657 Real-time SoftLogic Programmable Edge Controller

研華AMAX-657 Real-time SoftLogic Programmable Edge Controller

  • CODESYS Control Real Time Engine (RTE) & Visualization (Target & Web)
  • Embedded OS with optimized BIOS adjustment for real-time demand
  • Support CODESYS Redundancy (optional license, supported from SP18)
  • Supports IEC-61131-3 PLCopen languages (FBD, LD, IL, ST, and SFC)
  • Upstream connectivity IT/OT communication (MQTT, OPC UA, and ODBC)
  • Supports EtherCAT, ProfiNet, Ethernet/IP, and Modbus TCP/RTU protocols
  • Local AMAX-5000 series EtherCAT IO expansion module
  • Online upgrade of SoftMotion and CNC Robotics license from Advantech WISE-Marketplace
  • Advantech CODESYS Agent integrated third party software for data transmission via symbols (PLC Handler) and shared memory (C/C++/C#)
  • AMAX-657 edge controllers powered by CODESYS, control kernel Soft-PLC equipped with Industrial Ethernet and Fieldbus for OT applications. Support for IEC-61131-3 programming languages to easily program PLCs and SoftMotion and CNC Robotics modules for various motion control applications.


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