研華ICE-9NKY-RJA Automatic backup and restoration configuration tool for managed switches

研華ICE-9NKY-RJA Automatic backup and restoration configuration tool for managed switches

  • Supports Advantech
  • Easy and convenient to reload system configuration
  • Reduce system down time without extra power input
  • Plug and play quickly backs up and restores system configuration
  • RJ45 console ports connection
  • The Advantech N-Key series is designed to enhance managed switch maintenance efficiency and reduce system downtime. Plug and play allows users to save/load the setup configuration of Advantech's managed switches through the RS-232 console ports without requiring any additional settings. The N-Key series simplifies network deploying/maintaining/repairing processes for IT/OT technicians for significant time and cost savings.


区。| 兰坪| 右玉县| 邻水| 桂平市| 临桂县| 乐都县| 五台县| 连城县| 盘锦市| 灵石县| 当涂县| 丹巴县| 昌都县| 林周县| 崇文区| 西安市| 盈江县| 双牌县| 政和县| 荥经县| 进贤县| 宁强县| 东城区| 宁城县| 襄汾县| 静安区| 平乐县| 左贡县| 平罗县| 武宣县| 论坛| 南京市| 鹤峰县| 陆河县| 梁平县| 砀山县| 武强县| 迁西县| 沭阳县| 勃利县|