研華ESRP-FTS-EKI9516 Auto-Configuration for Easy System Administration and Operation

研華ESRP-FTS-EKI9516 Auto-Configuration for Easy System Administration and Operation

  • Reduce System Downtime
  • Ease System Administration and Operation
  • Auto Configuration Backup and Restore
  •  1. Auto Configuration Backup and Restore
    __Smart way to backup and restore configuration settings. Manual configuration is no longer needed.

    2.  Ease System Administration and Operation
    __A simple plug-in system can quickly backup and restoration configuration settings, and the low power design means that no extra power supply is required. With auto configuration for easy system administration and operation, users do not need to unnecesssarily repeat complex configuration processes.

    3.  Reduce System Downtime
    __With auto configuration, users need not worry about long system downtimes. It can quickly re-install system configuration settings to switch and recover the entire system configuration when the switch boots up or reboots.


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