研華DPX-S2451 High Performance AMD Ryzen? Embedded R2000 Multi-Screen Gaming Platform

研華DPX-S2451 High Performance AMD Ryzen? Embedded R2000 Multi-Screen Gaming Platform

  • Rugged logic box design
  • Security and access to meet the requirement of the gaming industry
  • Quad and dual core APUs up to 3.35 (3.7) GHz
  • Full gaming features set
  • High performance Radeon? VEGA GPU or PCI-Express graphics
  • Support for up to 150W ? length double-width graphics cards
  • 12VDC or ATX power supply compatible
  • "Futureproof" removable I/O shield design allow upgrade to future DPX-S motherboards, Easy service SSD/HDD module
  • The DPX-S2451 is a complete gaming system combining the unrivalled performance of DPX-S451 motherboard with DPX-S2000 enclosure. The DPX-S2451 system has a card slot bay for a PCI-Express graphics card giving the customer to upgrade from the integrated graphics or add more monitors (up to 7 or more)


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