研華DPX-M266 AMD Ryzen? Embedded R2000 Multi-media Gaming Board

研華DPX-M266 AMD Ryzen? Embedded R2000 Multi-media Gaming Board

  • High performance AMD Ryzen? Embedded R2000 processors
  • Quad and dual core APUs up to 3.35 (3.7) GHz
  • Supports 4 display outputs (4 x DP v1.2)
  • PCIe x16 graphics card slot
  • Modular Expansion Port - Edge connector
  • Storage 2 x SATA / CFast, 1 x M.2
  • Secureboot Media Validation support
  • RS232, ccTalk, TTL, ID003, I2C, intrusion and DIs
  • The DPX-M266 is a versatile gaming platform based on AMDs Ryzen? Embedded R2000 processors. The board provides a high performance multi-media engine optimized for the needs of gaming OEMs. The modular expansion architecture allows cost effective modules to be added for the specific application.


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