研華AMiS-810 AMiS-810 RFID Based Medication Bin Setting Station

研華AMiS-810 AMiS-810 RFID Based Medication Bin Setting Station

  • No sharp corners design for safe using and easy cleaning
  • Easy to set up by using USB cable to connect with controlled PC. Provide Advantech SRP and open API source
  • Used for Pharmacy Bin Setting application
  • RFID bin setting with assigned medication or patient identity
  • Clearly keep track of medication process in CLMA
  • The RFID-based medication bin setting station uses RFID scanning to match each medication bin with the correct medication and patient for automated medication bin management.


咸阳市| 河东区| 肃宁县| 龙口市| 綦江县| 渑池县| 靖边县| 贡山| 通州市| 景洪市| 湖口县| 汾西县| 宕昌县| 景谷| 湘西| 墨玉县| 琼中| 鹰潭市| 岐山县| 藁城市| 班戈县| 定南县| 民勤县| 胶南市| 商城县| 承德市| 平乐县| 石林| 麻江县| 榆林市| 鄂托克前旗| 大兴区| 久治县| 象州县| 宽城| 弥渡县| 武强县| 轮台县| 买车| 梧州市| 沙田区|