研華UTC-P09 Fingerprint Reader for UTC-515/520/532 Series

研華UTC-P09 Fingerprint Reader for UTC-515/520/532 Series

  • Scan capture area of 14.6 mm (nom. width at center) 18.1 mm (nom. length)
  • Pixel resolution of 512 DPI (average x, y over the scan area)
  • 8-bit grayscale (256 levels of gray)
  • ESD susceptibility >15 kV, mounted in case
  • Wide operating temperature range (0 ~ 40 °C/32 ~ 104 °F)
  • Compatible with USB 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 (Full Speed) specifications
  • Fingerprint Reader for UTC-515/520/532 Series


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