研華ARES-7321I ARES-7321I is a medical grade wall-mounted arm with VESA standard holes that can be moved horizontally.

研華ARES-7321I ARES-7321I is a medical grade wall-mounted arm with VESA standard holes that can be moved horizontally.

  • Medical wall mounted arm
  • Net weight: 11.4kg
  • Dimension (W x H x D): 200 x 1295 x 1407
  • 75x75 / 100x100 mm VESA compatible
  • Max. supported weight: 1~6.5kg
  • Panel size support: 15" ~ 24"
  • Tiltable: +20° ~ -60°
  • Height adjustment range (Arm): 671 mm
  • With cable management
  • ARES-7321I is a medical grade wall-mounted arm with VESA standard holes that can be used with bedside patient information terminals. With multiple points of adjustment, ARES-7321I provides ergonomic benefits for users. Besides, the cable management on the arm offers clean and quick installation.


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