研華PCE-5129 6th Generation Intel? Core? processor-based platform

研華PCE-5129 6th Generation Intel? Core? processor-based platform

  • Supports Intel Core? i7/i5/i3 LGA1151 processors with Q170
  • Dual Channel (ECC/Non-ECC) DDR4 2133/1600 up to 16 GB
  • Supports PCIE 3.0, M.2, USB 3.0, SATA3.0, SW Raid 0, 1, 5, 10
  • Supports CRT and 2 x DVI-D/DP (cable optional) display
  • Supports out-of-band remote management with AMT10
  • Supports Advantech LPC modules
  • Supports SUSIAccess and Embedded Software APIs
  • 6th Generation Intel? Core? processor-based platform


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