研華TREK-152 Intelligent Driver Monitoring System

研華TREK-152 Intelligent Driver Monitoring System

  • Mask-wearing detection
  • Fatigue detection - drowsiness, yawning, eye-closing
  • Distraction detection - smoking, food consumption, cellphone usage, attention tracking (head turns more than 30° left or right)
  • Infrared LED complies with the IEC 62471 standard for eye safety in low-light environments
  • Drivers wearing coated glasses and ambient light reflection does not impact performance
  • Built with AI technologies and deep learning algorithms for precise recognition, TREK-152 is designed for driver behavior monitoring - specifically drowsiness, distraction, and mask-wearing detection.


宾川县| 江山市| 连平县| 新乐市| 岳西县| 顺昌县| 高淳县| 巫山县| 中卫市| 巴林右旗| 西贡区| 罗平县| 通海县| 观塘区| 遵义县| 龙南县| 遂昌县| 吉木乃县| 香格里拉县| 奉化市| 天等县| 莱芜市| 吉安市| 修文县| 中西区| 遂平县| 汾西县| 怀来县| 福鼎市| 洪湖市| 陆河县| 阜康市| 临泽县| 荔浦县| 景东| 黄梅县| 邹平县| 永和县| 镇江市| 尉犁县| 潮安县|