研華LEO-S55 LoRaWAN Temperature/Humidity Sensor for Cold Chain and Hot Environments

研華LEO-S55 LoRaWAN Temperature/Humidity Sensor for Cold Chain and Hot Environments

  • Supports temperature/humidity sensing
  • LoRaWAN technology for efficient long-range wireless data transmissions
  • IP67 UV-resistant and waterproof enclosure
  • Built-in 2 x 4000 mAh replaceable battery and long battery life
  • Equipped with NFC for easily configuration
  • Compliant with standard LoRaWAN? gateways and network servers


廉江市| 阿克陶县| 修水县| 钦州市| 绥德县| 梁山县| 湟源县| 福州市| 宜阳县| 怀来县| 双桥区| 本溪市| 永川市| 龙南县| 大同县| 于都县| 沧州市| 南皮县| 京山县| 鱼台县| 来安县| 秀山| 黎平县| 南宁市| 乐东| 油尖旺区| 三原县| 图们市| 德化县| 铜陵市| 咸宁市| 刚察县| 卫辉市| 临潭县| 松潘县| 浪卡子县| 辽中县| 那曲县| 阳西县| 葵青区| 历史|