研華BB-806-39720 MiniMc Power Adapter for IMC-350 and IMC-370 series)

研華BB-806-39720 MiniMc Power Adapter for IMC-350 and IMC-370 series)

  • DOE Level VI, CEC, ErP Stage 2 Energy Efficiency
  • Universal Input Voltage Range – 90 to 264V AC
  • Up to 6 Watt Continuous Output Power
  • Interchangeable, International AC Input Blades (kit included) (North America, Europe, UK, Australia, China)
  • Over-voltage, Short Circuit Protection
  • Model 806-39720 is a 6 Watt wall plug-in AC-DC power supply with interchangeable AC blades. The power supply is designed to meet the latest US DoE Level VI efficiency standards in addition to the proposed and more stringent EU CoC Tier 2 requirements. Designed for global use, it includes plug options for North America, Europe, United Kingdom, Australia and China. This high efficiency power supply utilizes the latest in green power technology.


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