研華PCIE-3031 PCIe 3.0, x16 Crypto/ Compression Intel C627 Server Adapter

研華PCIE-3031 PCIe 3.0, x16 Crypto/ Compression Intel C627 Server Adapter

  • Controller supports PCI Express Base Specification 3.0 (8 GTs)
  • PCI Express x16 lanes
  • Intel? QuickAssist Technology for Crypto and Compression
  • Compression/Decompression (Deflate)
  • RSA Decrypt
  • IPSec/SSL, up to 100Gbps
  • Wireless: KASUMI, ZUC, SNOW 3G
  • Bulk: AES, 3DES, RC4
  • Hash: MD5, SHA-1/2 SHA-3 HMAC


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