研華BB-856-30600 1000 Mbps, Compact, 3-Port Media Converter

研華BB-856-30600 1000 Mbps, Compact, 3-Port Media Converter

  • Two 10/100/1000 Mbps copper ports
  • One SFP port or fixed fiber port (available in SM or MM)
  • Compact, rugged device with internal AC power supply
  • Easy to install, unmanaged device
  • Supports Link Fault Pass-Through
  • Auto-negotiation, Auto-cross
  • The Giga-McBasic-II is a low-cost, compact, multi-port media converter that supports gigabit speed. Utilizing flexibility and compact size, interior private network applications can further benefit from the ever-expanding versatility of the McBasic product line.

    Features two 10/100/1000Mbps copper UTP ports and one fiber port, which is available in an SFP form factor, as well as for fixed fiber in single mode, multi mode and single strand fiber. All models support gigabit speed. A compact stand-alone device with internal AC power supply, it is completely a PNP device; no management is available.

    A troubleshooting feature, Link Fault Pass-Through (LFPT) allows network operators to determine a fault condition on the interfaces. LFPT can be enabled via a dip switch on the front of the unit.

    BB-856-30600 has one fiber port (TX/SFP - requires one IE-SFP/1250 Module), variable (SFP) range, and 2 RJ-45 Ethernet Ports.


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