研華EKI-2701MPI Hardened PoE injector, 1000Mbps, 90W

研華EKI-2701MPI Hardened PoE injector, 1000Mbps, 90W

  • Supports operating temperatures from -40 ~ 75°C
  • Provides slim size and DIN-rail with IP40 metal mechanism
  • Power input 55~57 VDC, Inject power up to 90W
  • IEEE802.3af/at/bt compliant
  • Supports 10/100/1000Base-T (X) for PoE OUT and Data IN
  • With the technology of PoE (Power over Ethernet), both data and electrical power to Ethernet-enabled devices are using a standard CAT5 cable. EKI-2701MPI is a new generation injector which is IEEE802.3af/at/bt compliant. The high-power PoE standard boosts the power budget of each port up to 60W or even 90W to PD devices


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