研華ADAM-3956 100-pin SCSI DIN-rail Wiring Board

研華ADAM-3956 100-pin SCSI DIN-rail Wiring Board

  • DIN-rail wiring board for PCI-1240/1245/1245E/1245V/1245L/1265/1285/1285E application.
  • Dimensions (W x L x H): 122 x 171 x 45mm (4.8" x6.73" x 1.77")
  • DB-26 connector
  • LED indicators
  • The ADAM-3956 terminal board provides convenient and reliable signal wiring for PCI-1240/1245/1245E/1245V/1245L/1265/1285/1285E with 100-pin SCSI connector. Its D-SUB 26P type connectors give you the quick and easy way to connect to the Panasonic A5/MINAS A , Yaskawa Sigma 5 , Mitsubishi J3S and Delta A2 servo motors.


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