研華ESRP-ACT-UNO2484 Embedded automation computer with a preinstalled version of Actility ThingPark Enterpirse

研華ESRP-ACT-UNO2484 Embedded automation computer with a preinstalled version of Actility ThingPark Enterpirse

  • Support 2000 LoRaWAN devices connection
  • Build a multi-gateway, geo-redundant, high-availability LoRaWAN? network with a user-friendly interface and monitor it in real-time
  • Extend cloud intelligence and analytics to edge devices, with end-to-end infrastructure security, trusted by major telecommunication operators
  • Enjoy carrier-grade support and maintenance including 24/7 monitoring of smart IoT platform
  • Benefit from a seamless inter-operability among Smart Things, respecting and aligning with the market’s norms
  • ESRP-ACT-UNO2484, consists of Advantech's UNO-2484G with a preinstalled version of Actility LoRaWAN network server – ThingPark Enterprise?. The software is pre-installed under an upgradable 3 months trial license, allowing up to 10 supported gateways and up to 2000 devices.


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