研華ESRP-MPM-UNO3283 Diagnosis and preventive maintenance platform, EDGECROSS, UNO-3283G-634AE, 8 GB RAM, 64 GB SSD, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSB

研華ESRP-MPM-UNO3283 Diagnosis and preventive maintenance platform, EDGECROSS, UNO-3283G-634AE, 8 GB RAM, 64 GB SSD, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSB

  • Provides real-time diagnosis and detection of abnormal signals
  • Enables analytics customization with an instinctive user interface
  • Prevents data losses with a data logger system
  • Create and modify analytical models using the graphics interface in order to simplify data analysis and achieve predictive maintenance.Early diagnosis of machine faults minimizes system downtime, ensures quality control, and boosts the overall yield rate.Diverse databases are supported without programming and can be easily integrated with existing IT systems.


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