研華ESRP-CMS-TPC1881WP Realize the true value of thin client and centralized management technologies with Advantech’s ThinManager compatible industrial thin clients.

研華ESRP-CMS-TPC1881WP Realize the true value of thin client and centralized management technologies with Advantech’s ThinManager compatible industrial thin clients.

  • Verified with ACP ThinManager, ACP BIOS enabled
  • Certified with UL CID2 for hazardous environments
  • Industrial 18.5 FHD TFT LCD with 50K Lifetime LED Backlight
  • Intel 4th Generation Core i5 4300U with 4GB/8GB DDR3L SDRAM
  • 16:9 Wide Screen with PCT Multi-Touch
  • IP66 Approved Front Protection & Panel Mounting
  • Front LED Indicator to Show Operating Status
  • Chassis Grounding Protection
  • ACP’s ThinManager, the leading thin client solution for the factory floor, and Advantech’s industrially hardened thin client hardware provide a unique solution for centralized management of factory floor applications.


平乐县| 普洱| 本溪市| 长治县| 镇康县| 美姑县| 龙游县| 额敏县| 大城县| 渭南市| 乌兰浩特市| 江阴市| 平塘县| 庆城县| 晋州市| 长沙县| 桂平市| 天门市| 遂昌县| 准格尔旗| 新密市| 锡林郭勒盟| 赤水市| 新宾| 静安区| 遵义县| 丹棱县| 鸡西市| 武夷山市| 桃园市| 洛宁县| 思茅市| 井冈山市| 盐城市| 泸溪县| 马鞍山市| 蚌埠市| 盐边县| 虞城县| 上虞市| 乐亭县|